Hands-On Math Activities
MSRP $5.99
$ 3.99
We all teach some subjects we don't care much for, don't we? Math happens to be my least favorite subject to teach. But, like it or not, math is an essential subject and our children really do need to understand it.
As homeschoolers, we have the opportunity to improve on the old-school methods of endless worksheets.
Hands-On Math offers an assortment of games & activities to supplement your curriculum with concrete, sensory experiences that will help your children lock in basic mathematical concepts.
Activities for grades K-8
Tips for teaching math facts
Games of logic
Arithmetic Checklist for Preschool-Grade 2
Resources for teaching hands-on math
39 pages in convenient downloadable format
Hands-On Art Activities
MSRP $4.99
$ 2.99
Most children enjoy doing art activities, but it is easy to postpone them. There are so many things to teach and so little time, it seems. And art projects are so messy. And many parents feel unqualified to teach art.
Hands-On Art Activities offers solutions to these objections. Using easily found materials, your children can learn the basics of handling crayon, paint, and chalk with these simple activities.
Designed for elementary grades, but interesting enough to engage older children, as well.
Includes supply lists and detailed instructions for projects that you and your children will enjoy doing together. Many include suggested extensions for further learning and turning your children's art into gifts and cards.
Convenient downloadable format.
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Activity Days For Homeschool Groups & Families
MSRP $21.95
$ 9.99
The book homeschool support group leaders have been waiting for!
“Relief for busy leaders . . .â€
A partial list of topics:
Community Helpers Day
Hands-On Art
Track and Field Day
Dissection Day
Learn to Play the Soprano Recorder
Math Day
Love and Friendship Day
Achievement Day
And much, much more!
“Everything you need to host great activity days for your group.â€
Organizing the event
Supply lists
Tips for success
Pitfalls to avoid
Getting others involved
Full-size patterns and handouts
168 pages of pre-planned activities
“A gift for busy homeschool moms—ideas for support groups and families.â€
Newly revised with more links, updated format.
Already printed and hole-punched for use in your three-ring loose-leaf binder.
Busy leaders can easily hand information for an activity to volunteers who will help in the preparation.
Great for developing confidence in new leaders.
The copyright allows you to make as many copies as you need for use within a single support group.
Enough activities for over three years of monthly meetings.
Suggestions for on-going activities such as yearbooks, Bible quizzing, and special classes.
All activities have been tested in real support groups.
Most activities are very economical, using easily available materials.
168 pages
Encouragement For Homeschool Moms
MSRP $5.99
$ 3.99
Feeling discouraged? Need some inspiration? Encouragement for Homeschool Moms will lift your spirits and renew your courage. Filled with faith-building stories and encouragement for "those" days we all have sometimes.
The Ideal Homeschool Mother
God Knows Who You Are
Homeschooling through Difficult Times
Special Days
Caring for His Temple
In His Image: Creativity for Christians
Keep on Walkin'
Just Pedal
47 pages in convenient downloadable format
On sale now for just $3.99, or get a special price on the whole Management for Moms series here.
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Managing Your Homeschool
MSRP $5.99
$ 3.99
Homeschooling our children stretches the organizational skills of the best of us. Planning a schedule, dealing with mountains of papers, focusing on what is most important--every day is a challenge. Get ideas and encouragement from a seasoned vet of nineteen years!
Planning Your New Year
Storing Your Teaching Stuff
Taming the Paper Monster
A Mid-Year Makeover
Dealing with Extra-Curriculars
Eight Habits for Highly Successful Homeschooling
In-Service Training for Home Educators
What Worked? What Didn't?
55 pages in convenient downloadable format
On sale now for just $3.99, or get the entire Management for Moms series at a special price here.
...Learn More!Managing Your Children
MSRP $5.99
$ 3.99
Parenting is both the hardest and most wonderful thing you will ever attempt. Let this mother who homeschooled five sons (and lived to tell about it!) share her wisdom with you in this Biblically-based book.
Mommy Tips: Strategies for Survival
Discipline: The Discipleship Model of Parenting
Things I Learned in the Garden
Protecting Our Children
Training Your Staff
Marcia's Manners Tip Sheet
Bumps, Bangs, & Bruises
Are We There Yet? Traveling with Children
Marcia's Travel Tips
Releasing Our Arrows into the World
Babies, Books, and Backbones
91 pages in convenient downloadable format
On sale now for just $3.99, or get a special price on the whole Management for Moms series here.
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Managing Your Finances
$ 3.99
Want to improve your bottom line? Let Marcia give you her best tips for getting control in this essential part of your life in Managing Your Finances from the Management for Moms Series.
• Building a Financially Free Home
• The Family Notebook
• Questions to Ask Before Starting a Home Business
• Managing Your Household While Managing Your Business
• Shari’s Frugal Forty Tips
• 39 pages in convenient downloadable format
On sale now, or get the entire Management for Moms series for a special price here.
...Learn More!
Managing Your Holidays
MSRP $3.99
$ 1.99
People love to celebrate. Food, family, fellowship, music, decorations, and gifts are all a part of the fun. But holidays can become harried days if we're not careful. Marcia's latest e-book offers tips and encouragement for celebrating birthdays, Thanksgiving, and Christmas so even Mom can be blessed, not stressed.
- Planning for holiday gatherings (plus 6 forms to help you do it)
- Thanksgiving Countdown, plus recipes & turkey tips
- Making room for your houseguests
- Tips for holiday efficiency
- Christmas ideas
- Birthday celebrations
- Setting a formal table
- Table manners tips for you & your children
- 62 pages of encouragement and strategies in a convenient downloadable format.
On sale now for just $1.99, or get a special price on the whole Management for Moms series here.
...Learn More!Homemade Convenience Foods
MSRP $5.99
$ 4.99
Have you ever stood in the kitchen fifteen minutes before dinnertime & realized you have nothing started for dinner?
Have you ever wished you could spend more time with the family and less with the pots and pans?
Break free from the clutches of the kitchen! Have a freshly prepared dinner on the table in 15 minutes or less!
Research shows that the average woman has spent 50,000 hours in her kitchen by the age of 45!
Not interested in being the “average” woman in that statistic? I wasn’t either, so I developed a system that allows me to have homemade, nutritious food on the table in 15 minutes or less.
I call it Homemade Convenience Foods. It saves both time and money and works with my sample recipes as well as your own favorites.
Easy for anyone to learn!
Homemade Convenience Foods is not once-a-month cooking or frozen pizzas or carry-out burgers, but a simple method that even never-cooked-much-before college kids and newlyweds can easily learn to implement.
The Homemade Convenience Foods system is perfect for busy homeschool moms, those who work away from home, and empty-nesters who need motivation to cook for just one or two people.
Homemade Convenience Foods even teaches you how to avoid those last-minute grocery runs that cost you so much time and money. With this system, you will always have the ingredients on hand to prepare at least a dozen different menus. Even drop-in guests won’t faze you.
Homemade Convenience Foods is available as an e-book or in a comb-bound print edition. Be sure to order extras as gifts for new graduates, brides, and moms.
Works with most recipes!
We’re not talking about using this method for every meal—sometimes you want to fuss and certain recipes won’t work well with this system. We’re talking about a system that will get you through 3-4 meals a week with much less time and hassle, so you can make your specialties on evenings when you are less stressed.
Interestingly, when my adult sons come home, they most often request the foods that I can make using the Homemade Convenience Foods system.
Homemade Convenience Foods teaches you the rationale for the system and detailed how-to's to make it work for you, followed by lots of recipes to get you started. Best of all, the system is easily adaptable to your family's favorite recipes.
An ideal gift!
In these days of eating out, many young adults have never learned to prepare meals at home. Their idea of eating at home involves carry-out from the Chinese restaurant or a pre-made pizza from the deli.
Homemade Convenience Foods teaches inexperienced cooks how to make great food from scratch. It is ideal for those just learning to cook. It makes an ideal gift for a college student, a new bride, or a brand-new mommy.
Those who have been cooking for years are enthusiastic about Homemade Convenience Foods, too. They love the time savings and the new method of preparing their old favorites.
Saves money, too!
Homemade Convenience Foods not only saves time, it saves money. No more late-afternoon runs to the grocery store or fast food place to get something for your family's dinner.
The system even teaches you how to never run out of anything again using a method that even your children can use. Fewer trips to the store equals more money in your pocket.
Be prepared for drop-in guests!
Have you longed to show hospitality to those God brings into your path? Have you hesitated to spontaneously invite someone over because you didn't have the ingredients to pull together a meal?
Homemade Convenience Foods will teach you how to always have the ingredients on hand to prepare at least a dozen different menus. You will never be caught unprepared again!
Available in your choice of two formats:
- Downloadable: $5.99; sale price $4.99. Click here to purchase this copy.
- Comb-bound binding: $5.99; sale price $4.99 + shipping. Click Add to Cart on this page for this format.
...Learn More!
Homemade Convenience Foods ebook
MSRP $5.99
$ 4.99
Have you ever stood in the kitchen fifteen minutes before dinnertime & realized you have nothing started for dinner?
Have you ever wished you could spend more time with the family and less with the pots and pans?
Break free from the clutches of the kitchen! Have a freshly prepared dinner on the table in 15 minutes or less!
Research shows that the average woman has spent 50,000 hours in her kitchen by the age of 45!
Not interested in being the “average” woman in that statistic? I wasn’t either, so I developed a system that allows me to have homemade, nutritious food on the table in 15 minutes or less.
I call it Homemade Convenience Foods. It saves both time and money and works with my sample recipes as well as your own favorites.
Easy for anyone to learn!
Homemade Convenience Foods is not once-a-month cooking or frozen pizzas or carry-out burgers, but a simple method that even never-cooked-much-before college kids and newlyweds can easily learn to implement.
The Homemade Convenience Foods system is perfect for busy homeschool moms, those who work away from home, and empty-nesters who need motivation to cook for just one or two people.
Homemade Convenience Foods even teaches you how to avoid those last-minute grocery runs that cost you so much time and money. With this system, you will always have the ingredients on hand to prepare at least a dozen different menus. Even drop-in guests won’t faze you.
Homemade Convenience Foods is available as an e-book or in a comb-bound print edition. Be sure to order extras as gifts for new graduates, brides, and moms.
Works with most recipes!
We’re not talking about using this method for every meal—sometimes you want to fuss and certain recipes won’t work well with this system. We’re talking about a system that will get you through 3-4 meals a week with much less time and hassle, so you can make your specialties on evenings when you are less stressed.
Interestingly, when my adult sons come home, they most often request the foods that I can make using the Homemade Convenience Foods system.
Homemade Convenience Foods teaches you the rationale for the system and detailed how-to's to make it work for you, followed by lots of recipes to get you started. Best of all, the system is easily adaptable to your family's favorite recipes.
An ideal gift!
In these days of eating out, many young adults have never learned to prepare meals at home. Their idea of eating at home involves carry-out from the Chinese restaurant or a pre-made pizza from the deli.
Homemade Convenience Foods teaches inexperienced cooks how to make great food from scratch. It is ideal for those just learning to cook. It makes an ideal gift for a college student, a new bride, or a brand-new mommy.
Those who have been cooking for years are enthusiastic about Homemade Convenience Foods, too. They love the time savings and the new method of preparing their old favorites.
Saves money, too!
Homemade Convenience Foods not only saves time, it saves money. No more late-afternoon runs to the grocery store or fast food place to get something for your family's dinner.
The system even teaches you how to never run out of anything again using a method that even your children can use. Fewer trips to the store equals more money in your pocket.
Be prepared for drop-in guests!
Have you longed to show hospitality to those God brings into your path? Have you hesitated to spontaneously invite someone over because you didn't have the ingredients to pull together a meal?
Homemade Convenience Foods will teach you how to always have the ingredients on hand to prepare at least a dozen different menus. You will never be caught unprepared again!
Available in your choice of two formats:
- Downloadable: $5.99; sale price $4.99. Click Add to Cart on this page for this format.
- Comb-bound binding: $5.99; sale price $4.99 + shipping. Click here to purchase this copy.
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Management for Moms Bundle
MSRP $28.94
$ 14.99
Want advice from a mom who has walked the trail ahead of you?
Moms have full plates. Homeschool moms have full platters.
Keeping up the housework when your little messmakers are home all day is a challenge.
Relational and discipline issues come to the surface when you are together all day, every day.
Finances are often strained in SILKS families (Single Income, Lots of Kids)
And what about traveling, hosting family gatherings, and all of the other expectations?
The Management for Moms series was written just for you. Marcia shares hard-earned insights learned while homeschooling five boys for nineteen years. Filled with encouragement, humor, and practical strategies, you will find answers for many of your most perplexing questions, all presented through a Biblical worldview.
Each downloadable book is available separately, but the bundle is a much better deal, plus we'll throw in a free copy of Mommy Tips: Strategies for Survival when you buy the whole series.
You get all six ebooks (over 300 pages!) plus Mommy Tips
for $14.99, a $28.94 value!
Managing Your Home
MSRP $5.99
$ 3.99
Ever wish you had a personal mentor-mom who could give you a word of encouragement or practical advice? Let Marcia help you get organized with great tips and plenty of stories and encouragement in Managing Your Home from the Management for Moms Series.
• Adjusting Our Attitudes Toward Housework
• Scheduling Your Priorities
• Don’t Forget Your Brain, Mom
• Routines: A Mom’s Best Friend
• Keepers, Leapers, and Creepers
• Feeding Your SILKS Family
• Kitchen Economics
• Laundry Daze
• Time to Go Bye-Bye: Caring for Your Car
• 55 pages in convenient downloadable format
On sale now for just $3.99, or get a special price on the whole Management for Moms series here.
Beethoven Who? Family Fun with Music E-book
MSRP $29.99
$ 19.99
Don’t know Beethoven from Brahms? No problem!
Field-tested to ensure that even musically illiterate adults can confidently use it with their children.
Most parents want their children to be exposed to great music.
But even those who read music often don’t know where to start.
A visit to the classical music section of a store or website is
daunting and expensive. Parents wonder, "Which music will my
children like? What if I buy something and we hate it?"
Take the mystery out of music. Beethoven Who will guide you and
your family into the wonders of music reading, music listening,
and music making.
What is included:
- The Elements of Music
- Classical Music Your Child Will Love
- Teaching tips and links for listening
- Activities to teach pitch, rhythm, form, dynamics, tempo, musical terms, etc.
- Heritage Music Every Child Should Know: folk, patriotic, sacred, & more
- Making Music Together
- Sharing Music with Others
- Hundreds of external and internal links
- Glossary of Musical Terms
- Five appendices
- Complete index
- Flexible: the whole family can learn together or use as a high school elective
- 332 pages
Note: Beethoven Who? Family Fun with Music is available in two formats. Both are PDF files that can be viewed on any device and both contain exactly the same material and links.
- Downloadable format: Regular price: $29.99. Sale price: $19.99. Click here to purchase the downloadable ebook.
- CD format: Note that this opens as a PDF document, not an audio file, just like the downloadable. Regular price: $34.95. Sale price: $24.99. Click here for the CD format.
Talent to Treasure: Building a Profitable Music Teaching Business
MSRP $19.99
$ 15.99
Have a heart for music but no head for business?
Transform your musical skills into extra income: Talent to Treasure: Building a Profitable Music Teaching Business shows you how!
Marcia Washburn, BA, MME, is a seasoned piano teacher, writing with authority about a subject she knows intimately and loves passionately: connecting people with music. Her warm and personable style immediately draws in the reader.
Talent to Treasure targets the woman who wants to share her love of music with others while continuing to serve her family at home. It addresses the whys and hows of building a home business that blesses others without negatively impacting the family. It is proving to be a valuable resource for rookie and veteran teachers alike.
The appendices alone are worth the cost of the book: sample policy letters, analysis of favorite teaching music, and more. The sample letters are available as Word documents at no charge so you can personalize them for your own studio.
In the pages of Talent to Treasure, you will learn:
• How to prepare your heart and your home for your business
• How to recruit and retain students
• How much to charge for lessons (& how to be sure you get paid!)
• How to select a “balanced diet” of music for your students
• How and what to teach in the first lesson
• How to teach using learning styles—how to be a people teacher first!
• Great practicing tips & strategies for dealing with students who don’t!
• How to deal with memorization, performance jitters, & more
• Reaching special needs students, from challenged to gifted
• And much, much more!
...Learn More!
Teach Your Family to Play the Soprano Recorder
MSRP $5.99
$ 4.99
Looking for an inexpensive way to teach music-reading?
Can't afford an expensive instrument?
Don't know how to read music yourself?
Let Marcia show you how anyone can learn to play the soprano recorder. This is an introductory book--even easier to use than the beginner books you see in the music stores and online. Every step is clearly described so even non-musicians can easily teach their children to play.
Teach Your Family to Play the Soprano Recorder is based on Marcia's method of teaching groups to play the recorder. She gives you the precise words that she uses in her classes so you can easily teach your children in your own home.
Includes advice and links for:
- Recorders--what kind to buy & where
- Follow-up instruction books
- Listening selections to inspire you
- 31 pages
- Convenient ebook format (PDF)
From the Introduction:
"One of the best ways to learn to read music is to learn to play an instrument. The soprano recorder provides an excellent vehicle for this purpose. In addition to being inexpensive (usually well under $10), the plastic models are virtually indestructible and have a pleasant tone.
"The recorder is an excellent pre-band instrument, but is also a serious instrument in its own right. Many of the classical composers wrote music for solo recorder and recorder consorts (ensembles). The recorder was especially popular during the Renaissance and Baroque periods of music history.
"The recorder is a simple instrument to learn and is suited to children even as young as nine years old if their fingers are long enough to cover the holes. Best of all, even a parent who does not read music can learn to play the recorder and teach her family.
"Over the years, I have taught dozens of parents and children to play the recorder. Typically, I meet with the parents for about one hour to get them started. This is the only class they take with me. Many of these parents have never read music before, but by the end of the class, they are confident that they can teach their children what they have been taught.
"After our class, the parents teach their children at home for about fifteen minutes each day. Within three weeks they are ready to play a few pieces for friends and relatives and they typically do a nice job.
"Some of the students have gone on to play much more challenging recorder music. Others used it as a springboard to playing other instruments. They found that the music-reading skills they learned in those brief weeks carried over to the other instruments beautifully.
"The instructions are written as if you are teaching more than one child at the same time. You may find that you do not need as much structure to the lessons as I give here, especially if you are working with older children or those who already read music."
...Learn More!Beethoven Who? Family Fun with Music CD
MSRP $34.99
$ 24.99
Don’t know Beethoven from Brahms? No problem!
Field-tested to ensure that even musically illiterate adults can confidently use it with their children.
Most parents want their children to be exposed to great music.
But even those who read music often don’t know where to start.
A visit to the classical music section of a store or website is
daunting and expensive. Parents wonder, "Which music will my
children like? What if I buy something and we hate it?"
Take the mystery out of music. Beethoven Who will guide you and
your family into the wonders of music reading, music listening,
and music making.
What is included:
- The Elements of Music
- Classical Music Your Child Will Love
- Teaching tips and links for listening
- Activities to teach pitch, rhythm, form, dynamics, tempo, musical terms, etc.
- Heritage Music Every Child Should Know: folk, patriotic, sacred, & more
- Making Music Together
- Sharing Music with Others
- Hundreds of external and internal links
- Glossary of Musical Terms
- Five appendices
- Complete index
- Flexible: the whole family can learn together or use as a high school elective
- 332 pages
Note: Beethoven Who? Family Fun with Music is available in two formats. Both are PDF files that can be viewed on any device and both contain exactly the same material and links.
- Downloadable format: Regular price: $29.99. Sale price: $19.99. Click here to purchase the downloadable ebook.
- CD format: Note that this opens as a PDF document, not an audio file, just like the downloadable. Regular price: $34.95. Sale price: $24.99. Click Add to Cart on this page for the CD format.
Home-Based Eldercare: Stories & Strategies for Caregivers
MSRP $14.95
$ 10.99
God has such a sense of humor, doesn’t He? As young adults, we think we have our lives all planned out, and then He sends us down paths that we had never intended to explore. One of those paths for our family has been caring for adult relatives.
Over the years we have provided short-term or long-term care in our home for five different adults. I find this amazing because both my husband and I are very private people and we did not inherit the hospitality gene. Hmm . . .  this gives credence to the verse about God working best through weak people doesn’t it?
In Home-Based Eldercare you will find stories, strategies, and encouragement for your own journey in caregiving. You may be caring for one or both parents, or perhaps your spouse. Maybe you are looking down the road and just want to be prepared.
Each caregiving situation is unique because each caregiver, each patient, and each health situation is unique. Family dynamics, finances, personal health, and temperament all play into how caregiving will look for you and your loved ones.
Abraham J. Heschel states:
"A test of a people is how it behaves toward the old. It is easy to love children. Even tyrants and dictators make a point of being fond of children. But the affection and care for the old, the incurable, the helpless are the true gold mines of a culture." Â
I pray that this book will encourage you as you care for your loved ones. One by one, family by family, let us restore a culture of caring—one that celebrates life from conception to natural death.
What is included?
 Caring for Elders Who Live in Their Own Home
 Caring for Elders in Your Home
 Caring for the Emotional and Spiritual Needs of Elders
 Caring for Elders with Alzheimer's or Other Dementias
 Caring for the Caregiver
 Assembling a Family Notebook
 Preparing an Emergency Go Bag
 Verses, Stories, and Poems for Caregivers
 Helpful Resources
 146 pages, 4 appendices