Tuesday October 9, 2018
Welcome to all of my new readers (and you old-timers, too!). You are receiving this newsletter because we have been in touch at some time in the past. Perhaps you signed up at a conference, requested information, or purchased some of my resources in the past. In any case, I pray that these monthly newsletters will be a blessing.
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Click here to download your free 47-page copy of Encouragement for Homeschool Moms.
Loads of inspiration and practical advice!
Our featured article reminds us that you are a person, not just a homeschool mom. Enjoy!
Sharpening the Saw:
In-Service Training for Home Educators
The story is told about a man who watched a neighbor laboring heartily at sawing down a tree in his back yard. After observing him for some time, he suggested that the exhausted man stop to sharpen his saw, whereupon the man replied, “I don’t have time to sharpen my saw—I have to get this job done.”
We smile at such foolishness, but how often do we continue pushing ahead, doing things the same way we’ve always done them without stopping to ask advice, read the owner’s manual, or sharpen our skills?
Teaching our children is very much on-the-job training, isn’t it? Just as classroom teachers need periodic in-service training, we need to pursue every opportunity to grow as parent-teachers.
Click here to continue reading and to learn some great ways to grow as a home educator.
Parenting puts you on your knees. Homeschooling keeps you there.
Thankfully, our Father meets us at our point of need.